Finantsinspektsioon / Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority

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Tallinn, Estonia
Financial Services

Finantsinspektsioon / Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority Reviews | Rating 3 out of 5 stars (5 reviews)

Finantsinspektsioon / Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority is rated 3 out of 5 in the category financial services. Read and write reviews about Finantsinspektsioon / Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority. Finantsinspektsioon on autonoomse pädevuse ja eelarvega finantsjärelevalve ning kriisilahenduse asutus, mis tegutseb Eesti riigi nimel ja on oma otsustes sõltumatu. Finantsinspektsioon teostab riiklikku järelevalvet Finantsinspektsioonilt tegevusloa saanud pankade, kindlustusseltside, kindlustusvahendajate, investeerimisühingute, fondivalitsejate, investeerimis- ja pensionifondide, makseasutuste, e-raha asutuste, krediidiandjate ja -vahendajate ning väärtpaberituru üle. *** Finantsinspektsioon is a financial supervision and resolution authority of Estonia with autonomous competence and a separate budget which conducts supervision in the name of the state and is independent in its activities and decisions. Finantsinspektsioon conducts state supervision over the banks, insurance companies, insurance intermediaries, investment firms, management companies, investment and pension funds as well as the payment service providers, e-money institutions, small loan offices and securities market that have been authorised by the Finantsinspektsioon. The supervision authority of the domicile of a bank, an insurance company or an investment firm conducts primary supervision over the branches of the banks, insurance companies and investment firms operating in Estonia.


Sakala 4

Company size

51-200 employees


Tallinn, Harjumaa

Open hours

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