K Security OÜ is located in Tallinn, Estonia on Mustamäe tee 5. K Security OÜ is rated 4 out of 5 in the category security and investigations in Estonia. We are happy to announce the launch of K Security OÜ that combines more than 25 years-worth of security experience. During our careers we have helped many companies to improve their security, although working then under other security firms. K Security is a young company, but our specialists have been in the field for a long time and have valuable experience. The market has greeted our return because people miss carefully combined and innovative security products and attentive customer service. This is backed up by research The Attitudes of Residents Towards Security Services and Companies (“Elanike teadlikkus ja hoiakud turvateenuse ja –ettevõtete suhtes”) that confirms the weak trust in market leaders and the low popularity of the neighbourhood watch. I am convinced that a lot can be done in the way of improving people’s sense of security and meeting customer expectations. It is time to introduce new, more considered, reliable and flexible services that focus on the customers’ needs rather than put the financial wellbeing of the security company first. K Security offers classic security services and innovative technical solutions. Besides drawing attention to and localising risk areas, we offer practical advice and support services to improve your daily security and release you from many worries. Our goal is to prevent and control security issues and develop personalised modern solutions for our customers, for business as well as private purposes. I am convinced that with skill, experience and a novel approach, we will guarantee the peace of mind and safety of our customers. We are ready to discuss topics that interest you at any convenient time to suggest solutions designed with your needs and wishes in mind.
Company size
51-200 employees
Tallinn, Harjumaa